Developing figures and style
Creating individual assets for animation
Creating individual assets for animation
Spot illustration
Spot illustration
GIF version
GIF version
Reworking this idea using a mix of hand and digital drawings.
Reworking this idea using a mix of hand and digital drawings.
Reworked again in watercolour - not sure how I feel about this. Perhaps a bit too twee?
Reworked again in watercolour - not sure how I feel about this. Perhaps a bit too twee?
Initial sketch
Initial sketch
Additional spot
Additional spot
Final: "Flower heads"
Final: "Flower heads"
Added over a slightly textured beige background to add a more vintage feel
Added over a slightly textured beige background to add a more vintage feel
I know I want the product of my research and drawings to end up in a publication format. Originally I thought of creating a zine, however I began looking at newspapers as a format and I think this works really well with what I want to achieve. Ideally the publication could continue after Unit X and be used to keep customers and volunteers up to date, like a newsletter on perhaps a seasonal basis. Newsprint paper is easily compostable, and Newspaper Club print uses sustainable, eco friendly paper and inks which aligns perfectly with my messaging. As such, I will be using their tabloid template to design my pages.
Compiling assets to make a composition
Compiling assets to make a composition
Using the colours from the Manchester Foodbank Postcard project: I'm not keen on this
Using the colours from the Manchester Foodbank Postcard project: I'm not keen on this
I prefer the piece in monochrome. I think it looks cleaner and less cluttered.
I prefer the piece in monochrome. I think it looks cleaner and less cluttered.
Looking at changing the effect through colour and and contrast
Looking at changing the effect through colour and and contrast
Warmer tones: vintage inspired. Reminiscent of vintage seed packets
Warmer tones: vintage inspired. Reminiscent of vintage seed packets
Warmer tones: vintage inspired. Reminiscent of vintage seed packets
Warmer tones: vintage inspired. Reminiscent of vintage seed packets
Still using warm tone but using more saturated colour. A more modern take.
Still using warm tone but using more saturated colour. A more modern take.
I really liked one of the designs I created while for the Manchester Central Foodbank project, but felt that it was better suited to a different context and with different colours. I decided to repurpose it for this project and experiment with a few different colour variations. I gravitated towards more muted and warm tones to reflect vintage seed packets. (Further detail are on the captions for each image, hover or click to see)
Developed illustrations from observational sketches 
I felt like I wanted to add more energy to the images I was making. The illustrations and design work I had done so far were playful in tone but I wondered if they felt too careful in the finished result.  I wanted to loosen up my image making a bit and just have fun! 
I like the messiness and business of the plants. The figure seems a bit out of place and stagnant though, not particularly characterful.
I like the messiness and business of the plants. The figure seems a bit out of place and stagnant though, not particularly characterful.
Overlaying a roughly painted background
Overlaying a roughly painted background
Below are a series of screenshots documenting parts of the layout process. It was a lot of trial and error and as such not everything was captured. These should give a good idea of the kind of process each page went through before reaching completion though.
(Further details are on the captions for each image, hover or click to see)
Not sitting right. I like the circular element though
Not sitting right. I like the circular element though
Change of font and shaping adds more personality. More relevant imagery in the background too
Change of font and shaping adds more personality. More relevant imagery in the background too
Left hand spread now looks very demure and not particularly in keeping with the rest of the publication style?
Left hand spread now looks very demure and not particularly in keeping with the rest of the publication style?
Colourful gradient = more modern and fun? Perhaps a bit distracting/not needed
Colourful gradient = more modern and fun? Perhaps a bit distracting/not needed
White background looks cleaner opposite bold colour of other page I think. Allows illustrations to bounce off the page more
White background looks cleaner opposite bold colour of other page I think. Allows illustrations to bounce off the page more
Replacing fonts with hand type for the heading. I think this looks more inkeeping with the publication, and works nicely with the nature of my drawing style
Replacing fonts with hand type for the heading. I think this looks more inkeeping with the publication, and works nicely with the nature of my drawing style
Working on the Harvest spread
Working on the Harvest spread
Wasn't happy with how the poster turned out - painting feels a little overwhelming on such a large scale
Wasn't happy with how the poster turned out - painting feels a little overwhelming on such a large scale
Swapping images around. I think this image works better here and reflects the article's content too
Swapping images around. I think this image works better here and reflects the article's content too
I actually think this image works best as a front cover. Very detailed so asks viewer to look in and find more details
I actually think this image works best as a front cover. Very detailed so asks viewer to look in and find more details
Playing with type
Playing with type
Prefer handwritten type
Prefer handwritten type
Working out structure to fit in a feature
Working out structure to fit in a feature
Structuring the page
Structuring the page
Final layout
Final layout
I like the structure and feeling on this page. Not sure about multiple font choices though.
I like the structure and feeling on this page. Not sure about multiple font choices though.
Finalised spread
Finalised spread
Adjusting type to handwritten
Adjusting type to handwritten
A final, digital version of SPROUT can be found on the 'Outcomes' page or can be viewed by following the link here 
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